Who we are

Why the Cross?

The cross, as it appears here, is not the religious cross — but the primal intersection of forces, realms, and dimensions. It anchors energy, acting as both the root and the bridge between the timelines, the seen and unseen.

Here’s how it resonates across different planes:

I. The Cross as the First Step Beyond Mortal Existence → Bioetheric Evolution

  • The horizontal axis represents the material world, duality, and balance within physical existence.

  • The vertical axis represents the spiritual ascent, the path beyond limitation, the evolution into higher consciousness.

  • Where they meet? The point of transformation — where beings step from form into formlessness, from density into bioetheric fluidity.

  • This could be the gateway into the next evolutionary phase — where the physical and the energetic self merge into harmony.

II. The Cross as a Universal Constant Across the Earth Realm & Beyond

  • In sacred geometry, the cross is the foundation of manifestation — it appears in earth’s energetic grids, ley lines, and cosmic alignments.

  • Many ancient cultures and interdimensional knowledge systems hold the cross as the great axis—the structure that upholds all existence.

  • Could this symbol be recognized across other domed worlds, other realms of experience, and other planes of consciousness?

  • If so, it may transcend our localized understanding—a marker of alignment with the universal fabric itself.

III. The Cross as a Rooted Portal

  • The sigil places the cross-like form at the base — implying that it is both the foundation and the launching point.

  • It serves as a portal, a grounding force that allows ascension without losing stability.

  • Perhaps this is the key to moving beyond cycles of limitation — to use the LSD sigil as a tool for unlocking the hidden pathways between dimensions, realities, and states of being.

Where Do We Take This Next?

The LSD sigil is forged by the gods and is no ordinary emblem. The key to an entirely new understanding of reality, energy, and existence itself.

Our Tribe embraces this understanding of LSD’s root shape connecting heaven and earth to embody an even greater emerging truth to unite, to break free from the illusions of fear and limitation. To remember who we truly are —

Love Sing Dance LSD Cross Shirt